
Sunday, December 8, 2013

The holes are completed...

The holes have been made and the layout has been burnt in so that I should not get confused

The roughing out of the design has now started - many hours to go!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I am still doing flowers

I am still developing the flower theme in between the other works in progress. I find myself working on multiple projects at a time and feel that I never finish anything!
This is a piece which I started working on at a demo at our yearly exhibition.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The start of something new

I turned a tall vase from Jacaranda this week. I now start with the carving - over the next couple of weeks the progress will be posted.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

My biggest piece yet

My tallest piece yet! Turned from Jacaranda obtained from Pretoria Girls High. It's 310mm (12") with a diameter of 170 mm (6 1/2") Turned thick with a view to some carving to be done once dry.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I made some tools...

I have spent some time this week in making some Ellsworth style hollowing tools. They look rather crude but really work well and are easy on the pocket. These are smaller than what I have been using up to now but will increase the shapes possible.

I have also updated some content on my website 

Please have a look!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hot off the lathe...

Freshly turned Jacaranda that comes from Pretoria Girls High school. I have taken a break from doing detail work and started on the pile I got from a fellow woodturner. It's about 200 mm dia.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Moving along....

I have added some depth by recessing the petals. I still have to smooth them but I love how when the vessel is held it "speaks" to the fingers.
I have also started to cut around the petals on the edge

A closer view

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Some items completed, some in progress

A more complex flower vessel than the first. Made from Camphor.
This is the one I have been busy with the last couple of posts. I completed it in time for the yearly exhibition on the club.

I seem to be on a roll with the flowers! I got good feedback this weekend at the club exhibition.
Turned from Karee

Another flower vessel in the making.....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Flower vessel is progressing...

The level of detail on this piece stuns me and I wonder what I have let myself in for.
At the moment the edges have been burnt in and currently some color is being applied.

As a matter of interest, an article about my work has been published in the latest edition of the Easy DIY magazine. See your local CNA, Builders Warehouse or others.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

One vessel nearly complete

One vessel nearly complete, just need to apply some finish.

This piece still has a way to go but already shows promise. The design is roughed in but now comes the finer detail.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I am still on the flowers

I also have another piece semi completed, and also with flowers.
It's gourd shaped vase design with lots of pyrography involved. I have done the layout, traced out the design and have started doing the burning. Incidentally the lines going through the design will be gone by the time I am finished. It's a left over from another design idea:)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A productive week

A couple of layers of dye later and we're heading for completion with this group. See a post or too back for the raw wood comparison.

I have completed the rough shaping of the new flower vessel. This section was done with a 8 mm dia ball burr. The next step is to get the different heights of the flowers done.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Another flower vessel

I have started another flower vessel. This time there are 3 flower sizes, the design is based on a real flower and there are multiple levels. What you see is the design burnt onto the piece. Now to remove the gaps between flowers.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A splash of colour

I am playing with colour. This is the first coat, the middle one has already started being sanded back. All turned from Jacaranda and the tallest is about 75 mm (3") See the previous post for the raw turnings.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Jacaranda all the way!

Some small forms, the largest is about 75 mm (3") tall.

A vase, about 220mm (8 1/2 ") tall, in a different shape than normal for me.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New updates on website

Sorry no pictures today, I have uploaded some information regarding the making of the last piece on the website though. have I missed out anything ? - let me know.....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The 3 Amigos

I always feel that groups are more interesting from a visual point of view. Here are 3 small natural edge bowls made from Johannesburg Gold, a shrub common here in gardens. Maybe I can sell them as a group........

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Made from leftovers

A small natural edge made from Johannesburg Gold. It's just been turned but not sanded yet.
I guess I'm running out of wood though I have lots that I can still finish!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The flower vessel

The vessel is complete and what a journey it has been! More pictures follow.
I hope to have the update on my website (see links) soon.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I am making progress...

I have made some progress since I last blogged and the light is at the end of the tunnel. I have finished the burning and all touch ups. I just need to apply finish now. I promise no more teasers!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Update on progress - change in plan...

The piece after burning. My intention was to make the interior darker but leave the outside natural. Once the stain was appplied to the interior it bled through so another plan had to be made.

 This is what I have done to cover the bleed through. The petals have been covered with some acrylic PVA. I will still have to touch up up the burning. It's what I thought of at the time - let me know what you think......

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I have started the burning

I have started the burning. There are 18 flowers in all and I have done 6 so still a way to go.
Pardon the poor picture, I was testing my Samsung S3 photo capabilities.
Let me know what you think so far.........

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Further development of last weeks idea...

Further work done but more still to come. Something like 18 flowers in total to do. I have done 5 so far not to mention the pyrography afterwards. I think this piece has potential.....

What's coming next? Maybe this piece. It's a piece turned from River Bush Willow (Vaderlandswilg) some time ago but it's been taken further. Where we end, time will tell....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Teasers of a new piece

Here are some teasers of a piece that I am currently busy with........ Let me know what you think.
I have also updated my website with new content. Feel free to visit

Sunday, March 17, 2013

An easy way to turn a hollowform!

Maybe an easy way to turn a hollowform! At least the battle to remove shavings is not there.

This piece is made from Camphor wood and is about 220 mm (8 1/2") dia.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Windsor stool nearly complete

The turning is done and everything fits. There may be final tweaks but I can now proceed to finish the piece. The piece as it stands here is not glued at all but still holds me without feeling loose. While the legs are slim they feel OK to hold the chair together. What do you think?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Windsor stool in process

The stool is well on its way. I have completed most of the turning (some minor adjustments to be done) and reamed the holes for the legs. My self made reamer worked well I think. I am currently measuring and fitting stretchers.
Eventually the top of the legs will be split and wedged to create a strong joint.
The plan/article used is one from Michael Dunbar and was published in the Fine Woodworker magazine. This is a good opportunity to develop additional skills!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A start on a Windsor stool

Something completely new for me but I need a shop stool and the challenge is maybe why  I am doing this - apart from learning some new skills in a totally different (for me) kind of wood turning.
Here's what I have done so far. The blank was glued up out of 3 pieces of reclaimed Teak which is different to what would normally be used but I had the wood. The turning has been done and the holes for the legs drilled. This required to make a jig to help keeping the seat at a specific angle at the drill press.

A very basic jig knocked up to allow me to drill the holes in the seat. While the holes are pre-drilled a characteristic of the Windsor is that the holes are tapered to log the legs in place.
This led me to making the next jig.....

Here's my tapered reamer in process - I don't know how well this will work but I should be able report back next week. Final fitting and sharpening of the blade is required.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Chiton" process posted

The pictorial process for this piece has been posted on Andrew's website
I do believe that this piece has showed me new form possibilities and has furthered my journey in woodturning.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Some more items on their way to being finished

Made from an unknown wood, about 200 mm (8") dia. Stained as the original colour was not anything special. Turned green therefore the wood movement. A different take on a natural edge.

This bowl developed a crack so it needed something to make it special! Made from Acacia and stained to bring out the grain. It's about 200 mm (8") dia.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The first completed pieces for 2013

The " chiton" piece is finished at last. It came out rather well I think. the piece is about 150 mm high in this orientation. Stained with two different colours - a first for me.
The process for this piece will be laid out on my website soon. Watch out for that on Andrew's Website

Made from an unknown wood it's about 120 mm dia. Stained in the same manner as the piece above.

A piece that has been shown on this blog whilst in progress. I started life as a hollow form with a flat on the side hence the need for inprovisation
It's made from Johannesburg Gold and stained. It's about 150 mm dia though oval.

A piece finished without any embellishment. Made from Johannesburg Gold - it's about 180 mm tall. It really shows some interesting grain patterns.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another teaser...

I have done some updates to my website recently. Please consider visiting
I hope to have articles showing the progress of each piece when they are completed.

I am progressing slowly with this piece but I hope to complete by the end of this month.
As communicated in the past the inspiration is from a sea creature classified as a shell called a Chiton.