
Monday, October 31, 2011

Something different this week

I generally turn vessels so therefore my spindle turning skills do not get much practise. I was recently asked to make a knob for somebody's dresser. .
Here is the result though I may make another attempt this week. The colour is not close either....

I also started some work on a previously turned piece. Some work still to go.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Much burning later...

Much burning later and I am left with a piece that just needs some finish.

Made from Karee (Sumach) and stands about 200 mm (8") tall.
Turned thin with a heavier base for stability.
The texturing gives it a weave effect that I like. What do you think?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A teaser...

This is a teaser for something I started working on this week. I once read that pyrography was especially effective in creating texture so that's where I headed with this piece.

The idea is not to try and be perfect with the lines but to create minor differences. Needless to say that's rather easy - I still need lots of practice with this!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

This past week...

No turning done this week but an emphasis on finishing as I have many items to complete. I'll post a picture of my shelf of items to complete soon...

A vase with a different shape for me. Turned wet - as you can see it has warped giving the piece a sense of asymmetry.
About 160 mm tall - Liquid Amber

A near completed natural edge bowl. About another coat of finish to go but already looking very nice.
Made from Indian Mahogany.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trying for a new effect....

I am always trying out new techniques that I could potentially add to my bag of tricks.
The wood is River Bush Willow (Vaderlandswilg) which has a greeny/yellow look - not very attractive to my eye, hence the attempt at some colour treatment. We do not have much in the line of bleach (for paint effects) here in South Africa and I am trying a similar effect using pva paint. I do not think that the finished article will be so white as here in the pic but will post the finished article later. Comments on the affect, like/dislike will be appreciated and welcomed.