
Sunday, June 20, 2010

On holiday - 1 st week

As I mentioned in the previous post our family is on holiday visiting my mother-in-law in Port Edward. I packed some tools to continue with some pieces and here they are so far:

Carving using a central band of colour I am attempting to give the impression of a inner vessel with an outer ridge. The marks in black are to guide me in laying out the central portion
The view from the other side.
 A piece I turned about 2 years ago but I was still waiting for inspiration. The same idea as above with bands around a central vessel
The other side. The wood had some splits when chopped down but it was too pretty to waste. My last bit of Camphor - what a smell!


  1. Looks good so far. Hope to see the finished item on 26 June ?.
    Enjoy the holiday.

  2. Yes, I'll try but like so many of these things the more I do, the more I realise I have to do to complete the piece
